10 Books About Addiction And Recovery You Should Read

10 Books About Addiction And Recovery You Should Read

We at Addiction Hope understand that addictions result from multiple physical, emotional, environmental, and genetic factors. If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction, please know that there is hope for you, and seek immediate professional help. One of the best-selling books of all time, this illustrated children’s book about a young alien prince who has fallen to earth is a deceptively powerful meditation on human courage and the search for inner peace. Joy, curiosity, and creativity are essential components of a healthy life, and few fictional people exude these qualities more than this amazing little boy and occasionally ferocious feline sidekick.

books about addiction recovery

For Caroline Knapp, as it is for many, alcohol was the protective friend that allowed her to get through life. Her protector became her lover and this is the memoir of their twenty-years-long destructive relationship. Beneath her perfect life and incredible success hides a girl who thought she had cheated her way out of her anxiety and stress via alcohol, but now has completely surrendered to the powers of this magical liquid. You could never tell, but she is the perfect example of a high-functioning alcoholic who looks like everything is perfect, even when it clearly isn’t. With beautiful prose, Miller’s memoir is about recovering from a lifetime of difficult relationships and a home situation that seems desperate at times.

While many desperately need the help of the 12-step recovery program, the traditional AA model’s focus on an external higher power can alienate people who don’t connect with its religious tenets. Refuge Recovery is a systematic method based on Buddhist principles, which integrates scientific, non-theistic, and psychological insight. http://11p-k.com/未分類/6-types-of-headache/ From navigating intimate relationships to handling high-risk situations and environments, this addiction workbook offers practical tools and hands-on exercises that you can use in your home, work, and personal life. This book is for anyone who is ready to take control of his or her life and take steps towards recovery now.

Fentanyl, Inc: How Rogue Chemists Are Creating The Deadliest Wave Of The Opioid Epidemic

Considered to be one of the best addiction recovery books in recent history, author Erica Spiegelman’s lays out a path to recovery that http://npsc.chem.its.ac.id/2021/02/15/kursy-valjut-onlajn/ is empowering and easy to follow. As the title infers, Rewired is about thinking differently about living clean and embracing recovery.

  • Once we started, we realized there was still room for many more of our personal favorites.
  • And now Rosie finds that her athletic gifts, once a source of triumph and escape, place her in peril, as a shadowy man who stalks her from the bleachers seems to be developing an obsession of his own.
  • The accommodations, food and amenities are better than even the best hotel.
  • This revelation prompted her to explore drug use in white-collar settings and she soon discovered that addiction amongst high-achieving professionals is common.
  • It’s a testament to how one moment, completely out of our control, can drastically change our lives.
  • In this book, the author incorporates her own life experiences and recovery reflections in a daily meditation book.

In fact, reading is such a powerful tool that books and poems have been used to help heal mental and psychological disorders. Dr. Gabor Maté talks about addiction as a case of human development gone awry. He compares his patients’ struggle with substance addictions to the behavioral addictions that many other members of society have, noting that they’re not all that different. Mary Karr is known for her wit and charming style, and in these pages, she discusses pretty much all her life struggles, not only those with alcohol. This memoir is poetic and a treat for lovers of beautiful writing. This book is a positive tale where she narrates the year in which she went from a cancer diagnosis to her happiest and best self ever. In this journey, she became sober, beat cancer, and finally built a richer life than she could have possibly imagined.

Substance use disorders affect millions of Americans every year. No matter what stage of the recovery journey you are in, it helps to have a number of resources at your disposal. This way, when you’re having a bad day or need a pick-me-up, you can access a peer support group, podcast or self-help book that delivers motivation and inspiration. Journalist, Eilene Zimmerman gives her heart-wrenching tale of how she discovered that her ex-husband and father of her children was in active drug addiction and using several types of drugs.

Drinking: A Love Story By Caroline Knapp

Krosoczka is a well-known children’s illustrator and author who didn’t realize till later in life that his mother is an addict. Growing up, he was raised by his grandparents after she can no longer care https://pmichennai.org/test/2021/04/13/does-smoking-make-it-harder-to-stop-drinking/ for his basic needs due to being in and out of rehab and his father is out of the picture. In this self-help book, Drop the Rock is a guide to adjusting character defects that keep many from recovering.

books about addiction recovery

It provides a roadmap to follow during a person’s journey through the recovery process. I have personally watched many people die because they overdosed or abused their bodies to the point of no return. It can, and does happen to people of all ages and all walks of life. As a popular and accomplished teen, no one suspected that https://klostretlivingarts.se/2020/10/26/klinicheskie-rekomendacii-psihicheskie-i/ Erin Khar was tumbling towards a life of addiction. But beneath the veneer of success and happiness, Erin felt immense pressure from the world around her. This a different memoir because it focuses not on the road to sobriety, but on what happens with your life now that you’ve done the thing that once seemed impossible.

Save Me From Myself: How I Found God, Quit Korn, Kicked Drugs & Lived To Tell My Story

Neither AddictionHope.com nor AAC receive any commission or other fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a visitor may ultimately choose. For more information on AAC’s commitment to ethical marketing and treatment practices, or to learn more about how to select a treatment provider, visit AmericanAddictionCenters.org. The opinions and views of our guest contributors are shared to provide a broad perspective of addictions. These are not necessarily the views of Addiction Hope, but an effort to offer a discussion of various issues by different concerned individuals.

books about addiction recovery

We think as we’re getting sober, in spite of the fact that by the time we quit drinking, we’re not typically leading very glamorous lives. The reminder that sober life need not effects of alcohol be ascetic or dull is welcome to seasoned veterans of recovery and newcomers alike, but I think the blueprint here for an abundant life of pleasure could be useful for anyone.

Through humor and honesty, Amy’s account shows how no one is immune to this disease and the work it takes to fight back. Learning more about addiction can help you make sense of your struggles and inspire you to seek a life of sobriety. While books are a useful tool, you deserve support from trained professionals in your journey to recovery. As you work through the recovery process, you may find these addiction recovery books valuable. Whether you prefer firsthand accounts or polished, scientific writing, there’s a book on this list that will pique your interest. Instead of more typical addiction treatment approaches, Spiegelman encourages identifying fundamental principles within to help get sober not only physically but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This holistic approach to healing helps build a healthy support system and create a personalized addiction treatment plan.

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This was the first book I read on this subject, and I instantly could relate to her feelings. She made a huge impact on me and is someone I will always be grateful to. I started reading addiction memoirs in college, well before I admitted to having an alcohol use disorder. Why else would I have been mesmerized by When a Man Loves a Woman or 28 Days in my early 20s? These movies and books let me know I was not alone, that there were other people walking around who drank like I did. If you find yourself living in a home with someone who suffers from addiction, Amanda Andruzzi’s tale will be something you will find yourself relating to.

Allen is a master at removing the psychological triggers that lead to drinking. He explains why the benefits people believe they are getting from drinking alcohol are fictitious. I highly recommend this book for anyone struggling with alcohol. MATClinics are outpatient Suboxone treatment programs located in Maryland in Laurel, Dundalk and Towson. MATClinics provide monthly maintenance medication assisted treatment in addition to personalized addiction case management. Parents often deal with feelings of helplessness, frustration, guilt and more as they watch their child battle addiction.

Knapp takes a critical look at her battle with addiction and gives insight on ways to fight it. Nearly 80% of people in federal prison for drug crimes are black and brown people. This is why Amatus supports Drug Abuse Response Team (D.A.R.T.), a program that connects people willing to enter addiction treatment to resources and help to minimize jail time. The book is empathetic, aiming to books about addiction recovery break the stigma surrounding addiction. He provides alternatives to the War on Drugs and methods for healthy coping. While our understanding and beliefs around addiction change quickly and the book is now 13 years old, it still feels very relevant. Permanent Midnight, a memoir by Jerry Stahl, begins in a bloody diaper, thirteen stitches strong, oozing through gauze in a hospital rehab.

books about addiction recovery

For many people caught up in a destructive rock and roll lifestyle, the thought of sobriety might seem restrictive. By reframing it and considering that you can only attain that bohemian freedom you’re seeking once no longer dependent on drink and drugs, this could help you if you’re tempted to relapse. Author Dr. Harry Haroutounian worked as the physician director at effects of alcohol the world-famous Betty Ford Clinic. In Being Sober, you benefit from his expertise at the forefront of recovery and addiction treatment. Marketed as a memoir, a 2006 Smoking Gun exposé suggested elements of the story had been fabricated. He continues to write fiction and remains in committed recovery. Don’t let the fact vs fiction debate over this book put you off.

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Another book by the same author, The Language of Letting Go, has been a staple in the recovery world since its publication in 1990. In this book, the author incorporates effects of alcohol her own life experiences and recovery reflections in a daily meditation book. This collection also deals with codependency and how we struggle with it.

/ Sober living

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