3 Big Ways CBD Helps With Heart Disease CBD Instead
Cannabinoids naturally exist in breast milk, as a 2016 research published by the National Institutes of Health indicates(1). More in-depth clinical studies are certainly needed in order to better understand the full spectrum of CBD drug interactions. In the meantime, some physicians are forging ahead — and cashing in. Joe Cohen is a doctor at Holos Health , a medical marijuana clinic in Boulder. CBD is different from THC in that it doesn’t have any psychoactive effects; CBD oil for humans it won’t give the user a “high” from using it. Instead, it is primarily used for its health and healing properties.
However, CBD deals only with CB2 receptors making the body produce more its own cannabinoids. A small study on mice in 2014 showed that CBD oil prevented the development of social-recognition deficit, which is a common occurrence in age-related cognitive decline. At the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society in January 2017, Jerzy P. Szaflarski, MD, Ph.D., discussed the results of a study into CBD and anti-epileptic drugs.
According to a 2012 study in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, rats injected with inflammatory chemicals in their hindfeet experienced less inflammation and neuropathic pain when treated with an oral dose and spinal injection of CBD. CBD offers many health benefits to those who take it regularly, however more scientific research needs to be done in order to demonstrate the specific and proven benefits of CBD oil.
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