In a healthy body-healthy sex
Over the past twenty years, sex on the territory of our country has ceased to be an extremely personal and intimate matter. We easily discuss it on forums on the Web, in kitchens and even in restaurants with a delicious cocktail. However, in all these conversations, the topic of a woman’s intimate health is carefully circumvented and rigidly hushed up.
You can have the flu, runny nose, poor eyesight, heartburn – anything. But from the waist down you should be fine. That’s how you want it – but it’s fine. Because if you have something wrong "there", then you will immediately be recorded in the deep disabled. And they won’t even regret it. And we are not necessarily talking about sexually transmitted diseases. The cause of problems can be banal dysbiosis or other more or less frivolous problems in the body. And as a result-an unpleasant smell, discharge, itching, burning, which even a regular shower relieves slightly and very briefly. And, of course, we can not talk about any sex. This disease is called bacterial vaginosis.
It won’t kill its owner, but it will drastically reduce her quality of life. According to statistics, fifty percent of women of childbearing age face the problem of bacterial vaginosis, that is, this disease is very common. And the most unpleasant thing is that bacterial vaginosis is very likely to recur, and almost a third of the treated women are forced to go to the gynecologist again and again.
The state of a healthy microflora is negatively affected by a violation of the hormonal balance, menstrual cycle disorders, diseases of the genitals, weakening of the immune system, surgical interventions (abortion, prolonged use of intrauterine devices), improper use of antibiotics. Frequent changes of sexual partners, douching with antiseptic drugs and the use of spermicides also disrupt the vaginal microflora. The effect of these factors leads to the development of bacterial vaginosis. All the described symptoms: itching, burning, discharge of an unusual color, an unpleasant smell – all this is his "hand" work.
In gå direkt hit addition to purely aesthetic problems and comfort problems, bacterial vaginosis can lead to more serious health problems: the risk of developing pelvic inflammatory diseases and complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases. Often, bacterial vaginosis is the cause of premature birth, the birth of children with underweight and pathologies, and complications in the mother and child after childbirth.
Therefore, it is necessary to treat it.
And here we face two problems: a) frequent relapses and b) insufficient effectiveness of traditional treatment. In addition, traditional treatment with the use of systemic drugs generally does not always lead to the desired result and is often accompanied by the development of side effects (dyspeptic disorders, the development of allergic reactions, negative effects on the liver and kidneys). Therapy with most topical medications should be prolonged (10-14 days), which is not very convenient.
Previously, there was a form of release in the form of a cream, which was applied using an applicator. Today, there is a much more convenient form of release – candles.
The use of the drug in the form of suppositories is very comfortable: you do not need to use an applicator and, of course, candles do not stain underwear and clothes. In addition, suppositories are an over-the-counter drug, you can just go to the pharmacy, buy them and in a few days forget about the itch and not run away from your sexual partner in horror that he will see "something very terrible" in you.
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